Sport and Shoulder Instability - Mini battle
Chairmen: Ph. Valenti (France), L. Lafosse (France)
Latarjet with one endo button
Orthopedic surgeon: P. Boileau (France) / Moderator: G. Athwal (Canada)
Iliac anterior creast bone
Orthopedic surgeon: M. Scheibel (Germany) / Moderator: JP. Warner (USA)
Latarjet with 2 endo buttons
Orthopedic surgeon: Ph. Valenti (France) / Moderator : H. Sugaya (Japan)
Acute anterior dislocation and glenoid fracture Asian way - European Way - US way
M. Scheibel (Germany)
Bankart remplissage
Orthopedic surgeon: J. Agneskirchner (Germany) / Moderator: E. Itoi (Japon)