SHOULDER 3T is a video platform
dedicated to the education of orthopaedic surgeons to improve patient care
Shoulder 3T is a free video platform
Shoulder 3T is a free video platform

What to expect when you connect to the Shoulder3T platform
It is our outstanding Scientific Committee as well as our industrial and scientific partners, who will ensure that this project is a success, and we thank them most sincerely for their esteemed contribution.
Shoulder3T, encompasses
An internationally renouned scientific community
Founder and Chairman
It is our outstanding Scientific Committee as well as our industrial and scientific partners,
who will ensure that this project is a success, and we thank them most sincerely for their esteemed contribution.
Scientific Committee

Emilio Calvo Crespo
Luc Favard
Giovani Di Giacomo
Bartek Kordasiewik
Laurent Lafosse